Ever had ringing in your ears?
You're not alone. In fact, ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus, affects people across the age spectrum.
Researchers in the UK wanted to learn more about the prevalence and triggers of tinnitus in young people. They recruited 119 individuals aged 15-25 with no prior history of hearing loss or disorders of the inner ear. After completing a hearing test to establish normal hearing in both ears at baseline, participants were asked to complete a home-based online survey to describe their experience of tinnitus, its onset and triggers, and the continuity of their symptoms.
Over half (55.5%) of the participants experienced tinnitus during the three months following their hearing test. While 33.8 of participants could not identify the cause of their tinnitus, a startling 22.7% experienced tinnitus after exposure to loud noise.
Noise-induced hearing loss has become increasingly common among young people, and tinnitus often occurs alongside it. Given the rise of personal listening devices and the popularity of loud entertainment venues and sporting events, it is not surprising that young people are experiencing these conditions more regularly. Currently, there is no cure for tinnitus, and management options show varying degrees of success. Chronic tinnitus is associated with higher rates of mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression, sleep disruption, and other poor health outcomes.
Managing loud noise exposure and caring for your ears after the fact are an important part of the solution. Read more about RestorEar’s role in supporting hearing health after loud noise exposure here, and click here to learn more about tinnitus management and care options.
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